Therapediatrics Family Center is currently open for in-person services on an as-needed basis. We have a strong telehealth program but understand that some of our littlest and most vulnerable clients benefit more from in-person services rather than telehealth. Our goal is to continue to provide a safe environment for our clients and staff that need in-person services during the coming winter season.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, Therapediatrics has taken the safety of our clients and our staff extremely seriously to provide the necessary services to clients in a safe setting. We have continued to update our safety protocols at the clinic throughout the pandemic as information has changed. As we move to Tier 3 Mitigation Restrictions by the state, we would like to share the following information regarding any changes at the clinic.
According to the State of Illinois:
Physical, occupational and massage therapy is allowed as deemed necessary by a medical provider, but appointments must be spaced by a minimum of 15 minutes and facilities should take steps to sanitize and circulate clean air through service rooms before and after each service
Prior to the announcement of Tier 3 Mitigation restrictions, Therapediatrics was already spacing out appointments and sanitizing rooms in between sessions. We will continue to follow our current Covid-19 protocols in sanitizing the clinic in between sessions. In addition to general sanitizing procedures, the clinic also has UV lights and fogger/misters with Hypochlorous Acid to disinfect rooms and materials.
Safety Procedures for Clients to be aware of:
- Clients will be entering through the door to Suite 208 and leave through the Suite 206 door to minimize traffic in between session times
- Please contact the front office or your therapist when you arrive so they can escort the client back to the treatment room
- Upon arrival, your therapist will follow our Covid-19 check-in procedure of checking temperature, asking questions, and washing hands prior to the session.
Therapediatrics Family Center has had a robust telehealth program that was instituted at the beginning of the pandemic and we continue to utilize this program currently. Our therapists have been creative in using different platforms, having access to materials through our website that can be used to enhance telehealth services. Clients who are capable of utilizing telehealth are encouraged to do so. Our staff is available to answer any questions current or potential clients may have regarding telehealth and how it is successful in treatment. Clients may also switch back and forth between in-person and telehealth as needed.
Knowing when to switch your session to Telehealth:
- The client or a member of the client’s family that resides with them are showing one of the following symptoms:
- The client or a member of the client’s family has tested positive or has taken a Covid-19 test in the last week
- The client has traveled outside the state of Illinois. We are asking families who travel out of state to move to telehealth for 14 days after returning to Illinois
- The client or a member of the client’s family has been in close contact, per the CDC Guidelines, with someone who is positive for Covid-19.
Please help us to continue to provide in-person service to our littlest and most vulnerable clients by adhering to our clinic’s Covid-19 policies.